Drink Lemon Water by Brightside

08 Mar 2022

Drink Lemon Water for 30 Days, the Result Will Amaze You!
Dexter Alan Balderama says:
For anyone who's asking if it's working. Yes it is . Drink a glass of lemon water every morning before eating your breakfast. Eat a lot of breakfast so that you have a lot of energy in the whole day. Eat lunch and skip eating food at night. That's all. It works for me. You can see the changes in just 1 week. I lost 4 pounds.
TeaDee says:
I'm been doing this for 2 months now, and I haven’t had a cold since. My immune system has gotten a lot stronger.

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earlzpearl 2 years ago

For anyone who's asking if it's working. Yes, it is. Drink a glass of warm lemon water every morning before eating your breakfast. Eat a big breakfast so that you have a lot of energy the entire day. Eat lunch and dinner, and skip eating snacks late at night. That's all. It works for me and you will see the changes in just 1 or 2 weeks. Lemon water is so refreshing as well. You can even add a little mint (herb) or cucumber to your lemon water for a more enjoyable taste. Overall, drinking warm lemon water does a lot of things for your entire body.

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chell59 2 years ago

For anyone who's asking if it's working. Yes, it is. Drink a glass of warm lemon water every morning before eating your breakfast. Eat a big breakfast so that you have a lot of energy the entire day. Eat lunch and dinner, and skip eating snacks late at night. That's all. It works for me and you will see the changes in just 1 or 2 weeks. Lemon water is so refreshing as well. You can even add a little mint (herb) or cucumber to your lemon water for a more enjoyable taste. Overall, drinking warm lemon water does a lot of things for your entire body.

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chell59 2 years ago

For anyone who's asking if it's working. Yes, it is. Drink a glass of warm lemon water every morning before eating your breakfast. Eat a big breakfast so that you have a lot of energy the entire day. Eat lunch and dinner, and skip eating snacks late at night. That's all. It works for me and you will see the changes in just 1 or 2 weeks. Lemon water is so refreshing as well. You can even add a little mint (herb) or cucumber to your lemon water for a more enjoyable taste. Overall, drinking warm lemon water does a lot of things for your entire body.

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chell59 2 years ago

For anyone who's asking if it's working. Yes, it is. Drink a glass of warm lemon water every morning before eating your breakfast. Eat a big breakfast so that you have a lot of energy the entire day. Eat lunch and dinner, and skip eating fsnacks late at night. That's all. It works for me and you will see the changes in just 1 week. Lemon water is so refreshing as well. You can even add a little mint (herb) or cucumber to your lemon water for a more enjoyable taste. Overall, drinking warm lemon water does a lot of things for your entire body.

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earlzpearl 2 years ago

Lemon water is so refreshing as well. You can even add a little mint (herb) or cucumber to your lemon water for a more enjoyable taste. Overall, drinking lemon water does a lot of things for your entire body.

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