Herman Hitson's Let The Gods Sing

26 Sep 2022

Herman Hitson's "Let The God's Sing" is The long-awaited album from the music master legend.

Let The Gods Sing
Ain't No Other Way
Back Door Man
All I Want is You

Feast of Ants
Bad Girl
Stray Bullet
Yampertown Funk

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14 Total Comments Sort By
earlzpearl 2 years ago

Make sure you listen to all of Hermon Hitson's songs. Hermon Hitson is the master of the blues and he shows it with his guitar playing. He has been around for quite a while and he loves what he is doing. I really enjoyed this entire album.

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chell59 2 years ago

This is a powerful compilation. Hermon Hitson is the master of the blues and he shows it with his guitar playing. He has been around for quite a while and he loves what he is doing. I really enjoyed this entire album.

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earlzpearl 2 years ago

This is a powerful compilation. Hermon Hitson is the master of the blues and he shows it with his guitar playing. He has been around for quite a while and he loves what he is doing. I really enjoyed this entire album.

2 0 Reply
chell59 2 years ago

Make sure you listen to all of Hermon Hitson's songs. Hermon Hitson is the master of the blues and he shows it with his guitar playing. He has been around for quite a while and he loves what he is doing. I really enjoyed this entire album.

2 0 Reply
earlzpearl 2 years ago

Make sure you listen to all of Hermon Hitson's songs. Hermon Hitson is the master of the blues and he shows it with his guitar playing. He has been around for quite a while and he loves what he is doing. I really enjoyed this entire album.

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