How To Regrow Celery From Celery by The Ripe Tomato Farms

11 Mar 2022

Grow Your Own Celery Right From A Celery Stalk! In this video, I show you how you can take a bunched stalk of Celery from the grocery store (or your garden) and grow it into a whole new set of Celery stalks! Super easy and lots of fun!
This is a great indoor and safe project to do with kids, and even seasoned gardeners will get a kick out of how the vegetable staple is so resilient! Regrowing vegetable scraps is often an effort that is more novelty than practical. Celery however is actually EASIER to regrow from a cut stalk than it is from seeds. Try it out!

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chell59 2 years ago

Well y'all, my celery is going a little slow right now. I have only a few small roots and it's not ready to plant yet. But I did plant more veggies & herbs in planters, and I will let yall know what happens with them.

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chell59 2 years ago

Guess what? I just paid $1.99 for Celery. NEVER AGAIN. I will be growing my own. I started today, 3/11/2022. I will show pictures and keep everybody updated. Y'all going to start growing your own veggies too, it's easy. You can start doing it with pots, or grow bags. Just call me Farmer Brown. lol

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