MAJIC MOMENT Single Mother Salute

10 Apr 2022

Holding your love one close with the MAJIC MOMENT

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chell59 2 years ago

I agree with what Earl "The Pearl" said, keep your kids 1st until they reach 18 years of age unless they're still in school. When they leave your house and become an adult, it is not your responsibility to put your kids in front of everything. So, buy what you have put-off buying, go where you have put off going, do what you have put off doing, see what you have put off seeing, etc, you get the point. Be a Single Mom with grown-ass kids, and wait for your grandkids. #realtalk #justdoingit

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chell59 2 years ago

I agree with what Earl "The Pearl" said, keep your kids 1st until they reach 18 years of age unless they're still in school. When they leave your house and become an adult, it is not your responsibility to put your kids in front of everything. So, buy what you have put-off buying, go where you have put off going, do what you have put off doing, see what you have put off seeing, etc, you get the point. Be a Single Mom with grown-ass kids, and wait for your grandkids. #realtalk #justdoingit

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